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Gonçalo Negrão Serra

Sustainability and Innovation | Public Procurement | Lisbon Municipality

Lisbon, Portugal

About Me

Gonçalo has been an international management consultant and digital transformation advisor (Western Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America, and the USA) for almost 20 years, supporting both the Private and Public Sectors on innovation and sustainability.

Areas of focus include digital transformation and strategy and implementation, innovation strategy, open innovation, startup acceleration and mentorship programs for both Private and Public Sector and Corporate and Public Procurement strategy, strategic sourcing, and eProcurement.

Top-level international consulting firms, such as EY and CGI, held senior roles in corporate strategy, business development, and change management, focusing on IT strategy, digital transformation, Service Design & UX, and Strategic Sourcing and Procurement Strategy.

In The Portuguese Government, he was responsible for the "National Public eProcurement Program," which led to profound public procurement reform. It is considered a world reference in eGovernment and digital transformation.

Since 2000, invited University Professor for Digital Transformation, Innovation, Procurement (strategy and eProcurement).

As a researcher of cultural trends, innovation, and future studies, combines various fields, including but not limited to philosophy, sociology, anthropology, to address wicked problems and uncover positive signals of humanity in society's shaping. Main topic: analyzing feelings/emotions in the context of acceleration/technology.

The social impact area develops workshops and mentorship at acceleration programs for tech and social impact startups.

Passionate about literature, while making sense, never loses sensibility. While poetry brings meaning to language, big data will never create a nursery rhyme.