It's Smart: 5


launched: 2018 | status: In Development

Solution Summary

CityMaking!Wien is an online toolbox that facilitates the conception and design and approval of parklets in Vienna. The platform was launched in January 2018 and has had an overwhelming positive reception among citizens.

At the moment CityMaking!Wien offers four tools:

- basic information

- a parklet potential map

- design tool

- online submission tool

The toolbox is part of an experiment that observes the impact of web-technologies in citizen engagement.

Key Benefits

Easy Replication
Efficiency Gains
Citizen Engagement
Life Quality
Knowledge Sharing
Cost Savings
Environmental Impact
Inclusion and Equality


The city of Vienna lacks public green areas and amenities in some the inner districts. Parklets are temporary interventions that allow people to create small green areas or sitting possibilities.


CityMaking!Wien is an online toolbox that facilitates the conception, design and request of permissions to build parklets in Vienna. With this tool we want to make it as simple as possible for the citizens to participate in the development of their neighborhoods.

The tools should inform and encourage citizens to participate in the development of their own neighborhoods.

Spatial Level


At the moment CityMaking!Wien offers four different tools:

1- Basic information about parklets and what should be considered for the conception and construction of a parklet in Vienna, regarding the security, the design and other aspects.

2- A parklet potential map that shows where would be possible to build a parklet, by showing in red the different restrictions that apply for the use of parking places. The map simplifies the understanding of the regulations and offers a new understanding about public spaces.

3- A design tool that facilitates the creation of the required drawings for the submission. The tool is very simple to use, yet it has considered many of the requirements regarding dimensions and security. People can also download the drawings and edit them according to their own visions.

4- An online submission tool that facilitates the contact with the authorities and the submission of the required documents to obtain a permit for the use of parking places.

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About bee smart city:

bee smart city is a digital platform established by experienced professionals and smart city experts. We provide an efficient toolset for smart city analysis and for facilitating collaboration and the successful implementation of the best smart city solutions available.
Our platform greatly increases transparency and the visibility of cities, companies and other smart city actors.

Involved Parties

Austrian Institute of Technology

Juan Carlos Carvajal Bermúdez

Implemented in

Vienna, Austria

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About bee smart city:

bee smart city is a digital platform established by experienced professionals and smart city experts. We provide an efficient toolset for smart city analysis and for facilitating collaboration and the successful implementation of the best smart city solutions available.
Our platform greatly increases transparency and the visibility of cities, companies and other smart city actors.
