Consentua allows organisations to capture consent to process personal data with an easy to deploy and manage API. Once captured the consent can be shared and used to improve the customer experience.
Smart communities are about connecting you the citizen, your wants and needs and then making those connection so your needs are met. The contact of you, your location and circumstances requires data sharing, probably amongst many parties.. Which because it is likely to have elements of personal data requires your consent. Yet how do you the citizen stay in control over your personal data? How do approve and then have the proof that this consent was granted for the purposes you agreed to? How do you as a service provider, obtain that consent, tailor your services around purposes, yet also build trust too?
Enabling an easy to use, secure and trusted method of sharing your consent to use your personal data with multiple providers. Which gives you as a citizen real choice and control, but for brands the ability to grow trust.
First map out the user journey and use Consentua to ask for personal data consent just in time. Then be clear as to the purpose the personal data is going to be used for.
Deploy Consentua in minutes into your own websites/apps via a pluggable SDK or directly access via the API. Then start capturing the consent which is then stored in the secure database using a standards based approach to create the consent receipt.
Unique to the citizen and to your smart city service. The user views an easy to understand description of how their personal data will be used. The requestor provides a clear and unambiguous description of how your personal data will be used. The user can decide what to share and when. The consent receipt created by the citizen is then securely stored and can be shared with 3rd parties so all involved in delivering the smart city experience for the citizen can be confident they have the right consent to process the citizens personal data.
bee smart city is a digital platform established by experienced professionals and smart city experts. We provide an efficient toolset for smart city analysis and for facilitating collaboration and the successful implementation of the best smart city solutions available.
Our platform greatly increases transparency and the visibility of cities, companies and other smart city actors.
KnowNow Information Ltd
bee smart city is a digital platform established by experienced professionals and smart city experts. We provide an efficient toolset for smart city analysis and for facilitating collaboration and the successful implementation of the best smart city solutions available.
Our platform greatly increases transparency and the visibility of cities, companies and other smart city actors.