It's Smart: 6

Fine Dust Filtration System Produced Out Of Residues

launched: 2018 | status: In Development | Applicable for Rural Areas

Solution Summary

Our solution does not rely on more prohibitions. We address the issue of high particle concentrations by sucking ambient air into our filter system, collect and agglomerate the fine dust and nano plastics particles into our filter and release clean air. Additionally, we will recycle the filter and the agglomerated fine dust and the collected metals and noble metals e.g. in the tire or cement industry. The main cause for fine dust and also for nano plastics is the abrasion of tires and brakes from vehicles, so we will start to have a recycling system for fine dust filtering and reusing it as raw material.

There is a worldwide need for clean and healthy ambient air – our system can address this in all cities and all urban regions worldwide too.

Key Benefits

Easy Replication
Efficiency Gains
Citizen Engagement
Life Quality
Knowledge Sharing
Cost Savings
Environmental Impact
Inclusion and Equality


There is an urge to reduce fine dust particles in ambient air in cities worldwide. According to a Global Burden of Diseases Study by the WHO, 4.2M deaths worldwide per year are caused by fine dust particles. OECD projects that the market costs of air pollution (reduced productivity, additional health expenditure, crop losses, etc.) will increase to 2% of the European GDP by 2060 (OECD 2016). Moreover, the welfare costs due to premature deaths from air pollution are projected to more than double in European OECD countries by 2060 (EP briefing 2017). Nano plastics and micro plastics pollute our environment and are being found into human bodies. The effect of this is not cleared.

The urge to reduce these particles is our motivation. Until now filter systems for fine dust are available for indoor use cases only. That kind of filters are meshes or fabrics, produced out of paper, plastics or glass fibers, which are produced with huge input of energy and expenses. Furthermore, glass fiber filters are under suspicion to be carcinogenic.


The technological challenge is to produce a filter system, which does not use fossil resources, which does not eat up extra energy for producing it and which does not need a huge amount of technology expense, available for a low price. Finally, the filter material itself and the production should not be harmful to health.

Currently there is a huge demand in Germany to reduce fine dust and nano particles. 50 affected German cities are under pressure to reduce fine dust and particles of PM 10 below 40 µg/m3 and particles of PM 2,5 below 25 µg/m3 as a balance per year, because of legal demands of the European Union. One possible solution could be the reduction of the downtown traffic. It is also in consideration to ban selected combustion processes like biomass furnaces in the downtown areas. This will have a huge impact on urban living and on the daily cycle of peoples living. The reduction of car-driving or usage of wood stoves is imminent.

Our solution does not rely on more prohibitions. We address the issue of high particle concentrations by sucking ambient air into our filter system, collect and agglomerate the fine dust and nano plastics particles into our filter and release clean air. Additionally, we will recycle the filter and the agglomerated fine dust and the collected metals and noble metals e.g. in the tire or cement industry. The main cause for fine dust and also for nano plastics is the abrasion of tires and brakes from vehicles, so we will start to have a recycling system for fine dust filtering and reusing it as raw material.

There is a worldwide need for clean and healthy ambient air – our system can address this in all cities and all urban regions worldwide too.

Our fine dust and nano plastics particle filter system is unique, because it is produced out of biomass residues of the food processing industry. These residues are transformed by a thermal process, resulting in a very well-defined filter powder with the needed characteristics (amorphous, mesoporous, >95 % SiO2, no harmful ingredients) - Silica. This filter powder is embedded into a special design matrix as an open cell structure that works as deep filter. With this Silica powder we can precipitate ultra-fine dust particles out of ambient air and out of process and exhaust gases. The filter is sustainable, because we generate it from renewable biomass residues from food processing industry and it is recyclable. The filter media and the predicated fine dust particles can be recycled e.g. in the tire production or as surcharge for plastics, paints and concrete.

The production process generates heat. In using this heat by heat contracting, we can reduce the production costs about factor 10 in comparison to the actual production process of Silica.

Our filter media is far more sustainable than conventional used filter materials, like paper, plastics or glass fiber.

Spatial Level


We do produce our filter material out of residues, which incur while cereals are treated. These residues come up in huge volumes and are burnt without emission control until today in Asia. We want to use these residues by firing them in a well-balanced thermoconversion process. We also produce heat with this process. To produce conventional mesh filters in comparison, you need to put heat into the production process. At the end of the burning cycle we have produced an ash out of cereal residues. This ash needs to be screened and cleaned, to become a fine dust and nano plastics filter material. Collected and agglomerated fine dust and nano plastics particles can be separated from the filter material and the cleaned filter material can be reused as filter or surcharge. Additionally the filter is used as an urban mining device for metals and noble metals form catalysts, by filtering it also out of ambient air and giving it to a recycling process.

Until now fine dust and nano plastics particles were filtered only in indoor locations and only with mesh or glass fiber filters. Currently, the fine dust and nano plastics problem becomes also an outdoor issue, thus we need filter systems, which are able to clean the ambient air outdoors too. Therefore, it is necessary to filter huge volumes of air, way more than with indoor filter systems possible. And therefore, we will need a lot more filter space in those outdoor filters. It makes sense, to develop a sustainable and also recyclable filter system with focus in outdoor use cases. Another issue is, that these outdoor filter systems need to be insusceptible against dampness.

This new particle filter system will have a huge social benefit. It cleans ambient air and makes it “healthy” again. 4.2 Mio people worldwide die early because of particle polluted air, way more people are reliant on medical treatment (Source: Global Burden of Diseases Study by the WHO). By cleaning more than 95% particles we can act on the assumption of 50% savings of costs for medical treatment. The particle filter enables German-, European-, an cities around the world, to maintain urban mobility by simultaneously reducing particles in ambient air. It prevents social urban life from bans for driving.

Upscaling of the projects results will open a market for huge central air filter systems, which use the urban canalization system. Downscaling will generate markets in household products, e.g. design air filter systems that monitors the indoor air and checks the air quality in children bedrooms. Also standard consumer products like vacuum cleaners and central fresh air systems will use the new filter technology. In cities it will also be used into lamp posts and into existing urban infrastructure.

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Involved Parties

Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe

Schuko Bad Saulgau GmbH & Co. KG

DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH

Implemented in

Leipzig, Germany

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About bee smart city:

bee smart city is a digital platform established by experienced professionals and smart city experts. We provide an efficient toolset for smart city analysis and for facilitating collaboration and the successful implementation of the best smart city solutions available.
Our platform greatly increases transparency and the visibility of cities, companies and other smart city actors.
