It's Smart: 3

Grüne Reifen (Green Tires)

launched: 2015 | status: Implemented

Solution Summary

Grüne Reifen (green tires) is a pilot project, where a commercial vehicle fleet is re-equipped with energy efficient tires to save on fuel consumption. The new tires are not only more cost efficient for the company but also reducing the CO2 emission within the city.


Traffic produces a large fraction of the CO2 emission within a city. Moreover, Inefficient tires on vehicles cause an increased consumption of fossil fuels.


The aim of the project is to equip the vehicle fleet of companies with energy efficient tires.


During the project, 130 vehicles of the local company RheinEnergie were equipped with the more energy efficient tires. Furthermore, the fuel consumption of 6 cars was precisely tracked for a half year during regular commercial use. Additionally, the data is used to create a free calculator, where companies can estimate their financial savings by switching to the energy efficient tires.

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About bee smart city:

bee smart city is a digital platform established by experienced professionals and smart city experts. We provide an efficient toolset for smart city analysis and for facilitating collaboration and the successful implementation of the best smart city solutions available.
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Involved Parties



Implemented in

Köln, Germany

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About bee smart city:

bee smart city is a digital platform established by experienced professionals and smart city experts. We provide an efficient toolset for smart city analysis and for facilitating collaboration and the successful implementation of the best smart city solutions available.
Our platform greatly increases transparency and the visibility of cities, companies and other smart city actors.
