It's Smart: 4

No Landfill Waste Solutions

launched: 2018 | status: Implemented | Applicable for Rural Areas

Solution Summary

We’re able to simultaneously process multiple waste streams, so there is no need for recalibration to switch feedstock and any fluctuations in feedstock supply present minimal interruption. This affords a simplification of operations and subsequent reduction of operating costs.

Our facilities are compact and environmentally sound. The flexibility of the Fogdog process allows for simultaneous processing of multiple waste streams without sorting. Fogdog is able to help streamline existing waste management operations by decreasing the need for multiple collections, costly sorting facilities and eliminating redundancies throughout the waste management process.

Key Benefits

Easy Replication
Efficiency Gains
Citizen Engagement
Life Quality
Knowledge Sharing
Cost Savings
Environmental Impact
Inclusion and Equality


The No Landfill Disposal Facility NLDF Project is rooted in the requirements to substantially reduce the risks and costs associated with legacy wastes. The Project will enable the site revitalization through improved environmental management and the decommissioning of outdated infrastructure such as Landfills. 

The need to increase sustainable sources of renewable energy and reduce GHG emissions, along with raising environmental consciousness to protect the environment from polluting and using unsustainable practices such as a landfill, this Project will have a positive impact not only to the Municipality but also to all the residents in Canada and beyond.

Solid waste is the number one contributor of landfill waste disposal. Homes, schools, restaurants, public places, markets, offices and so on produce a great deal of rubbish, garbage and used materials. The bulk of these wastes eventually end up in the landfills. Examples of the solid waste materials include wood, paper, plastic, broken furniture, glass, grounded cars, obsolete electronic products and medical waste.

There are more than ten toxic gases emitted from landfills, of which methane gas is the most serious. Methane gas is naturally produced during the process of organic matter decay. On this account, EPA records that the methane expelled during the decomposition of organic matter in unmanaged landfills has the potential of trapping solar radiation 20 times more effective than carbon dioxide.


The objective of waste treatment is to ensure that the waste has been removed, and the land fill process is eliminated, contained or treated to protect human health and the environment, and to assist in restoring the land to its original state. Returning land to its original state can support various land uses, similar to ‐ but not necessarily identical to ‐ the ability that existed prior to an activity being conducted. It is important to distinguish the conceptual difference between restoration and remediation.

One main strategy that is used to reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills is converting municipal waste to refuse derived fuel. In this strategy, solid waste is processed such that it can be used to produce electricity. In the waste-to-energy plants, waste is burned as coal would be in a coal-powered electricity plant. Then the heat is used to heat water into steam, which turns turbines that generate electricity. Using waste-to-energy plants hits two environmental conservation goals at once. Not only does it decrease the amount of waste that goes into landfills, but also it reduces the amount of coal that is used for electricity generation. However, the collection of municipal waste is expensive, and transportation uses fuel that causes emissions.

Spatial Level


One of the technologies is the "Converter'' an environmentally friendly method of treating waste by converting it into sterile hydrocarbons called "FLUFF", which is a Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) source.

It doesn't use chemicals, combustion, microwaves, or pressure and does not produce any emissions.


The Converter transforms the wastes such as Municipal and Medical into a stable dry product without risk and a usable Energy Source.

The Converter technology separates and recovers the resulting water from the sterilization process, producing a completely dry resultant material.

Other technologies available on the market, particularly autoclaves and microwaves, produce a resultant moist material with a low calorific value.

At the end of the treatment, the final product generally considered a 'fluff is completely sterile. It is reduced in weight by 50% and a further 80% can be achieved, using a Vacuum pack.

These features guarantee benefits in terms of safety, given the long-term handling and storage of a stable product; it also allows considerable savings in logistics, not only from an economic point of view but also practical and environmental.

Less material to be disposed of means cost reductions and less transportation miles which benefit the environment.

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About bee smart city:

bee smart city is a digital platform established by experienced professionals and smart city experts. We provide an efficient toolset for smart city analysis and for facilitating collaboration and the successful implementation of the best smart city solutions available.
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Involved Parties

Sylvan Lake

City of Calgary



Implemented in

Sylvan Lake, Canada

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About bee smart city:

bee smart city is a digital platform established by experienced professionals and smart city experts. We provide an efficient toolset for smart city analysis and for facilitating collaboration and the successful implementation of the best smart city solutions available.
Our platform greatly increases transparency and the visibility of cities, companies and other smart city actors.
