It's Smart: 7

Smart Public Lighting

launched: 2013 | status: Implemented

Solution Summary

The maintenance of an obsolete and inefficient luminaire network was an excessive expenditure of energy and an avoidable economic and environmental impact. With the aim of increasing sustainability and saving in the city with a reduced budget, the City Council of Palencia implemented an innovative and integrated control and maintenance system of public LED luminaires managed from the municipal control center.

The final result was a solution that helps the city, better manages energy, improves habitability, safety and sustainability, and reduces costs.


In 2012, the public lighting technology in Palencia city was based on HPS (High Pressure Sodium) lamps. There were 11,000 luminaires distributed in 145 control panels. Mainly controlled with local astronomical clock control circuit that sets a fixed curfew control cycle. The light levels in all the city were higher than suggested associated with light levels.

The city's economic situation was very difficult and the public lighting budget was 1.2 M € for the municipal .

For the major, it was necessary to find a way to reduce the public lighting costs without reducing the quality wich citizens percived.


Replace 3,139 lightings point of more than 11.000 exisiting to new led technoligy.

Reduction in consumption of more than 75% , from 3,035,027 kwh / year to 715,585 kwh / year.

Without at any time penalizing lighting levels that,even improving significantly both in quantity and quality, improving its color rendering index to almost 70 lm/w and provides a color temperature similar to that of natural light, creating a more comfortable enviroment for the inhabitants of Palencia than the previous one, based on the yellow dominant color temperature of the High pressure lamps.

Reduction of 871 tons of CO2 that are no longer emitted into the atmosphere thanks to the use of LED technology.

At the economic level, Chosing to an ESCO to make the change of luminaries in order to save more than 2 million euros that was required as an investment to renew the 3,139 lighting points and update or install the new control systems. In addition, it is guaranteed that the lamps destined for exterior lighting and their maintenance of the new light points will not change in the twelve years that the ESCO will take care of them.


A pre-public lighting audience was used to choose among the most inefficient electrical panels to carry out the project.

With the help of the Spanish Institute for Diversification and Energy Saving (IDAE), which showed us three different pilot projects that were being developed in three Spanish cities related to public lighting, they also showed us the possibility of developing a public-private partnership (Sistema de PPP purchases).

It was also considered too risky to change all LED lighting at the same time, since costs were being reduced and technologies were developing very rapidly.

The type of guaranteed success public contract was chosen after the technical specifications and award criteria were defined. This meant that we were able to achieve the objectives with the expected cost.

At the economic level, using an ESCO to make the change of luminaires has meant for the city a saving of more than two million euros that was required as an investment to renovate the 3,139 lighting points and update or install the new control systems. In addition, it is guaranteed that the lamps designed for outdoor lighting and their maintenance of the new points of light will not change in the twelve years that ESCO will take care of them.

This change has allowed a reduction in consumption of more than 75% compared to the previous installation, from 3,035,027 kwh / year to 715,585 kwh / year; without penalizing at any time the lighting levels that, on the contrary, have significantly improved both in quantity and quality. Without forgetting, of course, the almost 871 tons of CO2 that are no longer emitted into the atmosphere thanks to the use of LED technology.

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Involved Parties


Clece, ESCO service

Spanish Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE)

Palencia Municipality

Implemented in

Palencia, Spain

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About bee smart city:

bee smart city is a digital platform established by experienced professionals and smart city experts. We provide an efficient toolset for smart city analysis and for facilitating collaboration and the successful implementation of the best smart city solutions available.
Our platform greatly increases transparency and the visibility of cities, companies and other smart city actors.
