Telepod is a technology developer for micro EVs (electric vehicles) with battery station network. Telepod has supplied fleet of scooters with IoT & swappable battery technology to countries as far as US, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan and Chile. Armed with operational experience from fleet sharing services, we are the only end-to-end solution provider with capability to cater to customers' customisation requirements at hardware, firmware and software level and using technology to help them with localisation.
Telepod is formed with a vision of solving traffic congestion & pollution from rapid urbanisation. Today more than 1 billion cars around the world emits 5 billion tons of carbon annually. More than 78% of rides, cars were occupied by only 1 person & 60% of trips are less than 5 miles distance. Obviously cars are over-designed for today's travel needs, taking too much space and causing unnecessary congestion and pollution.
As a technology innovator which has developed the world's first micro-EVs (electric vehicles) with IOT modules, swappable battery technology and operational experience, we help enterprise to reduce the operational cost. With our expertise and support from tech, partners can launch their product smoothly and focus on speed-to-market.
Armed with operational experience from fleet sharing services, we are the only end-to-end solution provider with capability to cater to customers' customisation requirements at hardware, firmware and software level and using technology to help them with localisation. We do not believe in world domination by big giants with cookie cutter method because transportation are very localised problems. We empower local enterprise for adaption to local markets.
With our robust fleet, it will let sharing operators to scale faster.
With our low operational cost, our micro-mobility will ensure delivery firms to optimise their demands.
bee smart city is a digital platform established by experienced professionals and smart city experts. We provide an efficient toolset for smart city analysis and for facilitating collaboration and the successful implementation of the best smart city solutions available.
Our platform greatly increases transparency and the visibility of cities, companies and other smart city actors.
SMRT Corporation Ltd
SE Amusement Park
Singapore, Singapore
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Johor Bahru, Malaysia
San Francisco, United States
Yokohama, Japan
Chile Chico, Chile
bee smart city is a digital platform established by experienced professionals and smart city experts. We provide an efficient toolset for smart city analysis and for facilitating collaboration and the successful implementation of the best smart city solutions available.
Our platform greatly increases transparency and the visibility of cities, companies and other smart city actors.