It's Smart: 16

ZenCity - City Intelligence Platform

launched: 2014 | status: Implemented

Solution Summary

ZenCity is a city intelligence platform that uses AI to automatically collect and analyze citizen-generated data in real-time and on an ongoing basis. We aggregate data from sources like social media, city hotlines, and more, and use AI to transform this data into accessible and actionable insights based on real community feedback.

ZenCity provides decision makers with three essential layers of information. First, what citizens are talking about including reactions to city initiatives, current events, and more. Second, how citizens feel about different city-centric topics with real-time sentiment analysis. Third, ZenCity helps cities understand what topics their citizens care about most, enabling cities to prioritize in the long-term while keeping their finger on the pulse of their city.


Cities should be making decisions based on the needs and priorities of their citizens but current tools for understanding citizen feedback are lacking. They are costly, only engage a very small percentage of the population, and generally are not to up to date- providing information regarding citizen needs that isn't current.


To help cities understand wide-scale citizen feedback trends in real-time and on an ongoing basis. By giving cities access to this information, we hope to power data-driven decision making by city managers.


ZenCity is a city intelligence platform that uses AI to automatically collect and analyze citizen-generated data in real-time and on an ongoing basis. We aggregate data from sources like social media, city hotlines, and more, and use AI to transform this data into accessible and actionable insights based on real community feedback.

ZenCity provides decision makers with three essential layers of information. First, what citizens are talking about including reactions to city initiatives, current events, and more. Second, how citizens feel about different city-centric topics with real-time sentiment analysis. Third, ZenCity helps cities understand what topics their citizens care about most, enabling cities to prioritize in the long-term while keeping their finger on the pulse of their city.

Cities use our intelligence platform for performance management, to enhance citizen engagement tools, for proactive governance - responding in real time, and for long-term strategic planning and budgeting decisions. We are currently working across 20+ cities in the US and Israel.

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About bee smart city:

bee smart city is a digital platform established by experienced professionals and smart city experts. We provide an efficient toolset for smart city analysis and for facilitating collaboration and the successful implementation of the best smart city solutions available.
Our platform greatly increases transparency and the visibility of cities, companies and other smart city actors.

Involved Parties

City of Tel Aviv

City of Fort Lauderdale, FL

City of West Sacramento, CA

City of Haifa

City of Arlington, TX


City of Pompano Beach, FL

City of San Francisco, CA

City of Corona, CA


Implemented in

Tel Aviv, Israel

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About bee smart city:

bee smart city is a digital platform established by experienced professionals and smart city experts. We provide an efficient toolset for smart city analysis and for facilitating collaboration and the successful implementation of the best smart city solutions available.
Our platform greatly increases transparency and the visibility of cities, companies and other smart city actors.
